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--Calcium, just for the Fun of it--
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--Calcium, just for the Fun of it--

Hi Ya'll,

Here was a post by a supposed Expert a long time ago and she has her own Expert forum:

--It has been tested & proven many times over that the rock-based forms of Calcium have an absorption rate of approximately 12% or less (depending upon age of the person ingesting them). The body MUST remove the unabsorbed portion (88%) from the bloodstream.

Question: If Less than 12% is absorbed from our digestive system, then How does this Unabsorbed 88% get into the bloodstream? This is a Fair question, but I have Never heard these supposed Experts explain this?

I have also asked where are these dump trucks, loaders, trains, backhoes, elevators, etc that are supposedly moving this unabsorbed Calcium thru-out the body and depositing this un-absorbed calcium from our digestive system?

Where are the Holes in our digestive system allowing these Unabsorbed Calcium particles to fall out of our digestive system?

Maybe these supposed Experts didn't learn that our body does not operate on the foods we eat, but off of the Energy released from the foods we eat!


Now consider How Energy travels, it does not need pipes or trucks or trains or any of the other mechanical tools needed to move Matter around!

Energy travels thru things having the ability to carry current!

Ever notice Lightning strikes in the sky?

How about did we ever get shocked by electricity or Static Electricity and feel this travel thru our body?

This is How our foods energize our bodys as well, but these foods must Release their Energy first before the stored Energy can enter our body!

Our body does not take in calcium as such, but only takes in the released Energy of calcium into our bodys!

Thus this Whole idea of unabsorbed calcium getting into our blood is a bunch of Foolishness! End.

Rest of her Foolish comment: It ends up in the joints of the bones, the bones themselves, the arteries, the lungs, eyes, kidneys (or anywhere else the body chooses to put them), causing states of dis-ease such as osteoarthritis, bone spurs, cataracts, brittle arteries, kidney stones, emphysema (and other conditions that are caused when the tissues become ‘non-elastic’ and coated with ground-up rocks).

Answer: Also this whole idea of Unabsorbed Calcium or as they choose to call it ground up rock ending upon our joints etc as stated above is also a bunch of Foolishness!

There has been an ongoing debate over the use of Calcium Hydroxide for a long time with some making all kinds of Claims!

Let me 1st state that I believe we are Best to get our Mineral needs from Top Quality High brix foods!

Now the problem is where can anyone get these on a regular basis?

So, what is one to do for their Calcium needs when the foods are so Poor Quality and lacking in the needed Calcium?

This Whole idea about Calcium or any other Mineral in a rock form being unable to help our body is a bunch of foolishness as well!

Why do I state this to be so?

Absolutely No Rock or Mineral in rock form or in food form can enter into our body tissues until this mineral has become Released from the food or Rock as Energy!

Once the stored Energy has been released from the food or rock form, then this energy my enter our Tissues, just like Electricity may pass thru our body!

Now to the subject of Calcium hydroxide:

Calcium hydroxide is used to make Lime Water, which may be used with the Moreless Alkalizing Drink or added to foods, which then must React with Acids to cause the Stored Energy to be able to be released, before our body can utilize this Calcium energy!

Everyone who thinks Rocks are what make it into our body tissues and or joints, blood etc and are what build up to form spurs etc, needs to have their head examined to see if they have holes in their Head!

Why do I suggest this to be so?

As of yet NO one has proven to me or anyone else that particles of foods or rocks travel thru-out our body tissues!

Ask any doctor if they regularly or have Ever found pieces of Different foods stuck in peoples body tissues thru-out peoples body when these doctors have cut thru the Tissues of people when they operate on people!

So What and How do we get calcium build up or may we say calcium plaque build up in our Blood or on our bones etc?

This build up may come because of our body tissues becoming too Acidic and in an attempt to Neutralize this Excess Acidity the calcium in our bones Disolves and attempts to Neutralize the Excess Acidity in these other areas of our body with excess Acidity, in a Last ditch effort to keep us alive!

For a Grade school lesson in this mystery one needs to have gone into a limestone cave and seen the Calcium stalagtites and stalagmites in a limestone cave!

These Calcium deposits are Naturally formed by Carbonic Acid having leached Calcium thru the soil to make these formations in the cave below as the Carbonic Acid drips downward, calcium deposits are left!

Our bodys have Calcium deposits formed in much the same way because of excess Acids in our body have Disolved Calcium and turned it into Energy and as these Acids Release enough Calcium Energy the Acid becomes Neutralized in areas of our body, resulting in Calcium deposits formed again.

So this whole idea of Calcium from rocks entering into our body and making calcium deposits because these rocks are 88% unabsorbable is just a Bunch of foolishness in the minds of these supposed experts who claim these ideas!

Remember the Lightning strike and How it travels thru the sky?

Now remember when we get shocked by Electricity, How this Energy travels thru our body tissues?

Now remember that our body does NOT absorb the foods we eat or the minerals we take, but ONLY the Energy, which becomes Released from our foods or Minerals we ingest!

As this Alkaline Energy is slowed down enough with enough Alkalinity, the mineral reforms and makes a deposit again!

If we have excess Acidity in areas of our body that should not be Acidic, this Calcium Energy comes in for the rescue to try to prevent us from Dieing, thus Neutralizing this Excess Acidity and forming Calcium deposits as an End result in places we should not Normally have these deposits!

When we learn to Alkalize our Lymphatic fluids properly we may remove and or prevent these Calcium Deposits from un-wanted places!

Cause and Effect!

Choose Life or Death this Day!

Smile Tis your choice.



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