--Am I Evil--
Hi Ya'll,
Some think I am Evil for exposing the Truths about Why folks are getting Cursings because of them Rejecting their Creator God!
Like they say the Truth is hard to stomach when it points to our Poor choices and present Cursings!
The nice thing is anyone with some Backbone can choose to make different and correct choices and start receiving Blessings, instead of continue to Suffer in Sickness and Disease both Physical and Mental and Spiritual!
We all were given Free Will to choose How to live and When We make Poor Bad choices, Why are We surprised at the Cursings we then receive?
This reminds me of one person earlier who stated that surely what we ate didn't have anything to do with How we ended up feeling? Why this would mean we were the cause of our own problem! It is not my fault, but someone elses fault for my Sickness and Disease!
How Deceived can folks become?
That makes about as much Common Sense as saying Cut our Head off because our body doesn't need it!
Cause and Effect!
For each choice we make there is a reaction to this choice, good or bad depending upon if our choice was a good or Bad choice!
Choose Life or Death this day!
Smile Tis your choice.