--Private Support forum--
Hi Ya'll,
Why cannot some folks understand the meaning of Private and Support forum?
Didn't these folks pass grade school?
Privacy: the ability of a person to control the availability and path of information
Personal or restricted, as opposed to public.
Support: To aid the cause, policy, or interests, To argue in favor of; advocate, The act of supporting.
May I remind any folks wishing to post on this forum that this is a Private Support forum for the Freely shared Truths in Healing and some additional beliefs!
Should any of this Freely shared info not agree with you, it is your Free choice to question and ask for Clarification, but not to decide to become Policeman or Policewoman of this forum!
It is also your Free will choice to remove yourself from this forum and Never return if these Freely shared Truths bother you!
Please grow up and act like Responsible Adults and not like children still in their Terrible Twos!
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.