Re: Eye Cataracts by MH
Yes I do know someone like that. Me!
I don't drink milk or eat dairy products. Allery issues since I was a baby. I had cataract surgery at the age of 44 and will be facing possible surgery soon for cataract #2. I am 48. '
There are different types of cataracts. My doc says the type I am experiencing can be brought on by being diabetic, using steriods or having a head truama.
I am not diabetic. I did however have several cortisone injections in my back several years ago instead of the typical surgery. I also did have a truamatic accident invovling face and head several months before noticing the sudden eye blurs. The fall should have killed me or broke all of my facial bones but I live (:0) and had no breaks or fractures.( I believe because I do not drink or eat todays form of dairy.)
So I don't buy the only way to get cataracts is from drinking milk. Else wise most of my family members would be blind or at least experiencing some form of cataract. But they are fine and I am the one with the cataracts.
Of course maybe I was in a hurry to get the "age" realated diseases out of the way so I could enjoy my 'Golden Years' when they arrive. :0)