--Digestion & Homeopathy--
Hi Ya'll,
Folks who may find themselves Sick and Diseased with Damaged Adrenals etc may find it hard to recover?
What does this have to do with Digestion & Homeopathy methods?
Homeopathy is the process whereas one dilutes the original substance down to the point we have just the essence of the orginal left.
What may this mean?
This may mean that we have a Weak Energy source, which a Sick and Diseased person may be able to utilize, because the Energy has been diluted to make it easy for our body to utilize!
Maybe it could be explained like our body has become so Weak that it cannot hold, but 1 millionth of unit of Energy at a time?
For if the Energy is too Great, it cannot pass thru the small Hole our body has drawn up into from our Sickness and Disease.
Kinda like trying to Force a Big Train thru the eye of a Needle, it just will not fit!
Thus when we have Poor Weak Digestion, we cannot handle much Energy!
Like the essence of the sweet flower smell can be taken in, but the flower it'self cannot pass into our body to our different Organs in need!
For folks who are Very Sick and Diseased we must start out slowly and avoid Hard to digest foods.
We may need to eat cooked foods as these are easier to digest.
Eating Raw foods may just let these foods go thru us un-digested and we feel weak and tired all the time.
Starting out taking some BSM with each meal may help us begin Healing.
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.