Yo Quincy!! Check this out, DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER IN THIS SECENARIO. I FEEL YOUR PAIN 1000000%!!!! Think for a second, if this dermatologist even GENUINELY INTENDED to resolve your situation he/she wouldn't be trained to do so. The Conspiracy lies within the corporations and companies that fund medical education in this country. Identifying a resolution to these problems would elicit a substantial loss in yearly profits for Pfitzer, Novartis,.... and big pharma. As a result thay offer menial bandaids that cover symptoms and in some cases create NEW diseases to ignite the cycle. Everyone's on to the games of the car mechanics WHY not the DOCS??? Don't get pissed into a frenzy- take it from me- I already did. Outsmart these a**ho**s through strategic maneuvering. Remember, this is chess and YOU are just a pond!!!