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Re: with all my heart, thank you! You are wonderful Uny!
unyquity Views: 1,642
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Re: with all my heart, thank you! You are wonderful Uny!

Dear Uny, Greetings NOT-crazyjuanita :)

I have taken some time to answer because my daily life activities are so slow, and I accomplish so little while coping with my rash and my body aches. Do not ever think I disregarded your answer or put aside! I won't think you've disregarded me, if you won't think I've disregarded you! Wink  I apologize for the vast delay, but I'm so far behind, all I can see is my own butt!  lol  (My husband and I sometime become INCREDIBLY busy processing orders for our Storefront - and once someone does all the learning AND sends us money for product, we feel we need to take care of them before we do anything else).  It's one thing to wait for information to help us learn, but once we've learned and started a program, no one should EVER have to wait (or have their healing interrupted, or their money tied up) by not getting their products immediately.  When we started this forum (around 5 months ago), we were both self employed in an entirely different field...and we were completely overwhelmed by the amount of posts & orders.  Of course, that's a huge blessing for everyone concerned, but once I got behind, it's just been a never-ending struggle to get caught back up.  It won't take very long before we "know the flow", and we KNOW how many tincture bottles, sample bottles, labels, gallons of alcohol, pounds of herbs, etc., etc., to order regularly - and we've been VERY careful never to order "too many" herbs because we want them to be as fresh as possible (so that means making a LOT of orders).  People can't see it on the forum (all the time that goes into the work 'behind the scenes'), but we're almost to the top of the 'learning curve' in that regard, so I'll be able to be catching up and posting more soon. As a matter of fact, I ardently waited for it during the weekend and the first time of this week (understanding you were busy and that you would eventually answer). I explained my case in the open, as you like it, so others can benefit too and learn more. Thank you very much for that...both so that others can benefit AND because "the more information you offer", the better I'll be able to help you put together all the pieces and come up with an effective plan.

I still have to read most of the links, since I believe it is imperative I do so if I want to understand what I will be doing for myself later on (that you will suggest)  I'm guessing you've had a chance to get through most of the reading?  If not, that's okay...whatever pace works for you, is the pace that's best. 

Now, I will answer your questions the best I can. And then, I will go and take care of the reading.  I'm going to go ahead and comment/reply to your questions and answers - and then at the end make a list of suggestions (and give you new "reading/learning assignments")....and then we'll take it from there.  'Sound like a plan? Cool

My eyes started to be itchy almost at the very same time I started to push food down... and the itchy ears. It may be a coincidence... I am open to the fact I might have parasites there and in my ears (not visible to the naked eye) since American doctors never tell you to clean them out of your body. It is different in Europe and in South America, and I never gave much thought to it; but it makes sense. I guess you will want me to use a multi attack or in other words, I understand I MUST HAVE PARASITES WITHIN ME.  Almost everybody has some type of parasite or another...and because of what you mention below (about Rosacea) it seems to me there's a very good possibility of demodex mites.  There is a STRONG correlation between Rosacea & these mites - in fact it's very likely, that they are the cause.  Here is a general Google search on "rosacea + demodex mites" that you can surf through and find lots of information (of course, you'll want to ignore the information that uses toxic chemicals to kill them, or information from 'medical sites').  If you do have these mites (which are much more common that most doctors would ever believe) - it may not be a coincidence that when you started 'pushing food' that they increased...especially if you were eating lots of processed/toxic food

I dont have the itchy ear issue any more. I still got my itchy eyes. I forgot to tell that I have what they call Rosacea and Rosacea eyes...(as they call it), so I am kind of "used" to red face and eyes.  One of the great gals on the forum (ginger4jeff) had a problem with demodex mites (and got rid of them).  She's currently travelling, but when she gets back, we'll find out what all she did specifically to get rid of them.  Here's a general search on 'demodex' from EarthClinic (which has a LOT of great natural remedies)   And here's a link to the same site, specifically regarding Rosacea: 

If I were you, I'd start with the apple cider vinegar as recommended in the link above from sure the apple cider vinegar (we usually shorten that to ACV) is RAW and organic (NOT pasteurized).  Spectrum & Braggs are two common brands that are good.  Sooner or later you'll likely want to disenfect your bed clothes (and likely get brand new pillows), but I wouldn't go to that trouble or expense until I was sure the mites are the cause.  Be sure to dilute the ACV 50/50 with distilled water so you don't burn your skin, and be prepared for the possibility of it 'getting worse' for a brief time before it gets better.  If the ACV doesn't do the trick, you might want to consider the Borax/Hydrogen Peroxide that's suggested.  I just purchased some 20 Mule Team Borax for me (I may try it internally to detoxify my body of fluoride - I took Prozac for 15 years, and Prozac is highly fluoridated).  I don't usually recommend isolated minerals/substances for healing, but when we're up against something as chemically evil as fluoride, then sometimes I will...but NEVER until I've tried it myself :)  Enough about me!

I confused you when I said what i said about the Walker. I meant to say i turned into a Walker or a person who walks a lot.. well, more than before. I live in Seattle, Washington, and this is a very walkable city. I believe the air is crispy and enjoy it. I understand now!  It's FANTASTIC that you love walking, but not fantastic that you overdid it and hurt yourself.  Have you been applying castor oil packs to your hurt knee and/or foot with plantar fascitis, or have you 'gotten there' yet?

I dont drink many charcoal or bentonyte drinks because they constipate me... so I drink like 2 of each every day. I know it got to be a correct way to do this.  Both bentonite & charcoal can be constipating - one thing that is essential is drinking ample water.  I'll get to "how much" below.  We always want to avoid being constipated - it's very unhealthy.  The foundation of natural healing is to cleanse, detoxify and restore our colons...and ensure having several healthy bowel movements daily.  In one of the links I offered before, were these two links:

They are "must reads" :)  The IF#2 that we use for deep cleaning of the colon contains a small amount of bentonite and charcoal...and we'll add some charcoal to each dose of that.  The herbs in the IF#1 will ensure that you have 3 bms daily.  (IF stands for Intestinal Formula).

I have about one BM a day, very little of normal consistency, since I am eating a lot less, and the color is,,because of the charcoal. Months ago, I remember feces were very light. I know now that meanst stagnant bilis or something else.  Correct, too light basically indicates some type of liver compromise (usually just congestion).  Bile from the liver is our body's natural laxative (bile triggers peristalsis, which is the squeezing action of the intestinal tract).  So when the liver is congested and we're not getting enough bile, it's very easy to become constipated.

I have a couple of mercury fillings. I know I have to remove them.  There's no reason that you have to remove them first.  In fact, this is a very debated subject.  There are many people that have lived their lives very healthily with a mouth full of fillings...just as there are many people that have had their health destroyed by one or two fillings.  It's VERY important to research fully and find a VERY qualified dentist to do the removing and refilling.  Many people that had hardly any problems from the mercury in their teeth ended up with extreme mercury poisoning by having them drilled out by unqualified dentists.

I drink bottled water. I recently learned it is as good as tap water. Should I get myself "distilled water" now? It is the easiest choice for me now.  Yes, you need to have pure water.  A water distiller or a Reverse Osmosis filter are the only two that will remove fluoride.

I got myself a non fluoridated toothpaste FANTASTIC!. I am willing to implement all the needed changes. I am willing to change my diet completely, all vegs and fruits, organic.  You are a very wise woman! :)  While we are in "healing mode" it is very important to stick as closely to a raw, vegan diet as possible (no meat, no dairy)...and plenty of fresh juices and juice fasting.

I do not have a juicer. Which kind do you recommend?  The ultimate juicer I wish any/all of us could afford is called the Norwalk Juicer (but I know of no one that can afford one - they're around $2500.00 dollars)...YIKES!   The juicer I recommend is the Omega (model #8003, 8005, or the newer 8006).  The best prices are usually found on eBay.   Here's an eBay search that will always show what is currently listed: By clicking on the 'completed' link on the left, you can see what prices they sold for in the last 14 days. All the advertising says the newer 8006 model is fantastic (it has a 15 year warranty!), but we've had our 8005 for several years (and we are VERY hard on it, sometimes juicing for 5-6 hours at at time) - it has a 10 year warranty, and we've never had a bit of problem with it.  Personally, I doubt the 8006 is actually that much better.  Another very good juicer is the Champion juicer.  Both have attachments and can do all kinds of wonderful tasks besides just making juices.  Here's a site I recently found for the least expensive price for a Champion:

A juicer and a distiller (or RO filter) are the most expensive things we have to buy...but pure water and quality juices are the most effective healing tools we can have for the rest of our life.    Here's a link about various types of juicers:

There are no factories around..The Boeing field is really far and away from my home. As I said, I believe the air here, in SEattle, is pretty good.  YAY!  I, too, have heard the air is very good in Seattle :)

It sounds I might get the benefit of a juice fast (I'LL DO IT!!) I will do all you tell me, Uny..I am so moved, so grateful ....  It's absolutely fabulous you're willing to do what it takes to heal yourself, but PLEASE, don't do it because *I* say to do it!  Do it because you've read & learned and YOU know it's what you want to do.  My main goal is to give people the information they need so that they can learn to take control of their own health & body (and help others to do the same).  I'll be happy to "fill in the blanks" whenever I can (because I realize that nobody can possibly do the amount of reading and research that I've done over a decade in just a few days or weeks).  The best doctor in the world is YOUR "doctor within"...I'm merely a teacher (and a cheerleader when I have the time :)

My female health can not be better. I hope my all my body systems were as good as my "female" system. Never a pain, never a complain, at all..Fantastic!  I have 2 college age children studying in Rome now... I miss them, but that is about the only added stress I did not tell you before. Awwwh, all the way in Rome - I'm sure you do miss them...but how wonderful they're getting a good education (and in Rome, no less! you must be VERY proud of them)...and you must be a VERY good mother :)  My husband died 10 years ago.  I'm sorry to hear that; I can't imagine how difficult that would be.  Somehow I thought you were around 40 years old -but you must be older than that with TWO children in college (???).  Maybe they're not college age (or perhaps you were a young mother like mine was.  I was married the first time when I was 18, and my mother was only 35 or 36.

I dont drink much water, and I dont eat much now.Let us say I eat a piece of vegetable and a piece of fruit...a day. Here's how much water your body needs for the MINIMUM every day:  take your body weight in pounds and divide that by two.  The result is how many ounces of pure water (at the minimum) you should be drinking daily (Example: 150 pounds divided by 2 = 75, so a person that weighs 150 pounds should drink a minimum of 75 ounces of water daily).  Dr. Christopher recommends that EVERY adult (no matter how much they weigh) drink at least a gallon of water every day.  I've been drinking far more than a gallon every day for over 5 years.  And methinks only 1 piece of fruit and/or vegetable daily isn't very much at's not enough nutrition/fuel to keep your body running well.  Perhaps you have a reason for eating so little that I don't know - care to share?  I hate the microwave, never use it. I tell my m other not to use it. She is a docile old lady.  You might find it interesting, that if you water a plant with water that has been microwaved...?  It almost always kills the plant :( 

I never worked in a toxic environment...great!

I dont take any other drugs, other than that you mentioned.. I took Amoxill (penicillin) for a day or 2, like a week before these symptoms all appeared... did they were the trigger? I dont know.  It's great that Benadryl is the only thing you're taking - and you won't likely need that again after you get started detoxifying and healing.  We never can tell just what triggers what when we take these drugs.  Typically a few days of penicillin wouldn't have that type of effect, yet we never know how hard our body is struggling, and when just a tiny bit of something will be 'the last straw'.

I am going to get started with the ginger bath, How did that work out?  It's something that I've never done (I've never had a reason to try it) and the other things I can do right now... like the 3 teaspoonfuls of cayenne.  Fantastic!  Do your best to make sure you get the hottest cayenne available (and if you've been using "normal" cayenne and then you get some from us -or somewhere else- that's very sure NOT to take a full teaspoon to start).  Be SURE to go back to an 1/8 or 1/4 of a teaspoon when you start with the ultra-hot cayenne, and work your way back up to a teaspoon.

I can see this has to be very comprehensive; :::wink wink::: that's what you asked for :) but I am going to read all the links you sent me, and wait for your instructions.  Again, I don't know what all you've read, and if you're waiting for more information/instructions or not...but I'm guessing you're being polite and waiting patiently - so I'm going ahead with more information and instructions.

I can sense I have to change everything,...and making the changes will be the most exciting pathway you've ever walked - not to mention how self-empowering it is! and I will. Hurray! But I want to have a clear pictures of the order of the steps to follow. well you should!  My recommendations are below--

God bless you, Uny!  God bless you, too!

Firstly, please understand that I don't want to "cheat anyone" (by not giving them enough information), nor do I want to "scare anyone" (by giving them too much information)...and the same applies to 'product recommendations' (and the finances of it all).  If money is tight, then we can trim away some things and add them in as they can be afforded.  But because it's MUCH less stressful for the body (and much MORE effective) to cleanse and restore all the organs at the same time, I'll be telling you the FULL program...and then we can adjust it to fit your needs. 

Just like Dr. Schulze & Dr. Christopher we call this program The IP (which is short for Incurables Program), because if done consistently, this program (once adjusted to your personal body/issues) will cure anything.  Dr. Christopher was likely the greatest natural healer that ever lived (he died in the early 1980's, but stopped healing in the 70's because the PTB (Powers That Be) stopped him.  One of his finest students was Dr. Schulze (still alive, but also stopped from healing by the PTB) - now he just sells products.  Between these two healers (and Dr. Gerson, we use some of his protocols), these great men cured tens of thousands of people from (as far as I've ever been able to find) every disease known to mankind...and they did it with a VERY high & consistent success ratio (especially if the person's body hadn't been damaged by having various organs carved out or chemotherapy/radiation).  So, please don't think that this protocol is "mine"...all I've done is study their protocols and do my best to put it together in a way that will benefit others.

In a VERY tiny nutshell: our bodies are created and hard-wired with miraculously complex schematics (so complex that even the most advanced scientists & computers haven't even begun to understand exactly how the brain, liver & kidneys function).  Our bodies are totally able to restore and heal themselves IF we assist our body back to it's natural state.  The first thing we must do is stop ingesting and exposing ourselves to the things that are unnatural to the body, and start ingesting and exposing ourselves to the things that ARE natural...and assist our body to undo the damage that we've done (by using only substances/protocols that are as natural to the body as we can get or find). 

With the tens of thousands of chemicals, electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs), crazy amounts of radiation, and atmosphere that has almost HALF the amount of oxygen than it did 50 years ago, it's not difficult to imagine that our bodies are running at top-speed, working hundreds of times harder just to detoxify themselves from the poisons than they were EVER designed to do...BUT they've been doing it (for decades) without adequate nutrition (fuel) it's no wonder our "engine parts" are wearing out and breaking down FAR sooner than ever before in history.  We do this protocol for 30 days, then at the end of 30 days, stop, re-evaluate (stopping what we no longer need, adding what we've discovered we need more of, and continuing things that are 'works in progress' always takes longer than 30 days to cleanse & restore the liver & colon, but 30 days can provide amazing benefits for many). 

SO, the basic protocol for everyone (no matter WHAT their symptoms or issues) is here:

...and then we customize/add whatever you need for your specific issues.  For you (from what I know so far), we need to get that knee and foot healed - so I'd recommend:

--Deep Tissue Repair Oil (applied topically for both pain relief AND healing)

--BF&C Tincture and BF&C oil (BF&C stands for Bone Flesh & Cartilage - the tincture is taken internally, the oil is applied externally)

--Regular Castor Oil packs on your knee & foot.  (I make 'castor oil socks' for my feet, just soak some cotton socks in castor oil, put them on, cover them with a plastic bag, and then cover the plastic bags with bigger socks).  You can reuse the "oil socks" many many times - just keep adding castor oil when needed.

--Continue with the Eyebright tincture for your eyes (we have that in our Storefront, too), and start getting to the source of the "itchiness" (likely/possibly demodex mites), so that's where we start (unless you & your 'doctor within' think differently)

--The weight issue will resolve itself on this protocol

We have (in our Herbal Apothecary here: Herbal Apothecary ) all the products you need (the full IP is listed under Specific Cleanses/Packages and the BF&C and Deep Tissue Oil are listed under Oils & Tinctures).  We don't have the organic enema coffee & bucket (which you can get here - you'll need approximately 2 1/2 pounds for 30 days : S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas ) and castor oil (which you've likely already found locally).  If not, you can order it here: Castor Oil Therapy

The other things you need (like wheat germ oil, apple cider vinegar, blackstrap molasses, ginger root, etc) are things you should be able to find locally - if not, let us know, and we'll be happy to share where we order things when we can't find them near us.


--On this site you will find all KINDS of information about the various cleanses and products on the IP:  This is THE largest "Dr. Schulze" site on the internet (and we all extend our thanks to Tom Harrelson for all the selfless work he does to maintain it!). 

--In the tan area/bar atop every CZ page is a bar of small links...toward the right hand side is one for Schulze.  Click that, and start reading any/everything you can (and have the time for).  :::grin/wink:::  Between  these two links, you will find a vast amount of information and answers to a lot of questions.

--Dr. Schulzes Natural Healing Crusade videos:

Sooner or later (sooner is better :::grin:::) these are "must see" videos - but I always like to warn folks, that Dr. Schulze is EXTREMELY "charismatic" (those that aren't familiar with him could easily consider him "radical" or extreme)...and these videos were filmed at his Natural Healing Crusade...where healers and students from all over the world were lucky enough to have the opportunity to hear him in person.  These people are already familiar with Dr. Schulze, his mannerisms AND his protocols...and watching these really is (in many ways) like seeing an evangelical preacher! lol  (we have these videos burned onto DVD in our Storefront under Media, if you'd rather watch them on your television).

Dr. Schulze also created another set of videos (that are much more geared for people that are NOT familiar with natural health & healing).  This set of videos (originally 12 VHS tapes) and a 650 page manual/binder was called the Save Your Life set....and was retailed for around $400.00 (we frequently abbreviate this set as SYL).  It is no longer offered commercially.  Sometimes the videos can be found on eBay (but it's rare to find them with the manual).  Check your Inbox for more information.

It is not "required" to watch these videos or have this manual to heal yourself...but I've never met one person that watched them, that wasn't thrilled that they did (and most of us have seen them several times).  So if you'd like to, avail yourself to them whenever you've got the time :)


I'm pretty sure this covers "all the basics", but I might have missed some things.  I'm sure you're likely to have questions - I'm planning on spending the next several days doing as much 'catching up' as possible, so I'll do my best to respond quickly (and perhaps others will help 'where they can').  So get me your questions (and let me know how you're doing!), as soon as you can....and let the healing begin!

Healthiest of blessings,





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