Re: post 30 day juice fast with liver flush. Is Pepe around?
If you have 6 days to go and you
are feeling like chomping at the
bit to eat, do not think it is a
biggie to end a few days earlier.
By the end of 28 days most people
have reaped the cleansing effect
of a fast.
I know what you mean about the
lemonade. I overdid it for awhile
although I am waiting for the new
crop to come in this fall so I can
do at least a 10-dayer. I like the
focus it gives me before the holidays
arrive. I am also looking to perhaps
do a
Water Fast for a while sometime
this year. I finally feel detoxed
enough to consider it will not put
me in bed. I am waiting for a while
to see if the hurricane season ramps
up since I have been caught in a
category 5 storm fasting and it was
more stressful than I would like to
endure again.
Hopefully you will fall in love
again with the lemonade down the road.
Perhaps not even as a fast. I like
to take some fresh lemon in water & add a
little maple syrup and a lot of cayenne
as a toddy to dose up on cayenne. I hope
I never fall out of love with the taste.
I did have to take a break from carrot
juicing after going through probably a
couple hundred
pounds of carrots and
bushels of beets and spinach and cukes.
I am finally regaining my desire to
fresh juice again...ggg.
best wishes,