16 y
healing power of Kona...
just want to run something by you guys who have been at this much longer than me.
i went to kona, hawaii a few yrs back and snorkled every day, 2or3xs a day. the negative ions got me high and the energy there, well, its hawaii.
so i've been invited back, almost free, but i'm a bit scared. i wouldn't bring the rife but i'd be in the healing warm waters every day and eat could be healing??
heres my it a bad idea to stop treatment for a week or nine days/go there w/o rife and just rely on supplements?
this may sound ridiculous but can i take a vacation from this? have you ever done it? i don't want to get over there and feel like i got arscaris running up, well you know. however it would be nice to have a break.
noone knows whats going on with me like you guys so i'm just taking your temperature on this one.
what happens when you stop. however, keep in mind salt water is one of the most healing things on earth.
don't you think?
I can take the truth....give it to me straight! ( ^ :