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Utopia Silver Nebulizer Kit package plus Lobelia - I think it's a must
Tony Isaacs Views: 4,254
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Utopia Silver Nebulizer Kit package plus Lobelia - I think it's a must

You might try nebulizing with 5 cc of colloidal silver and 1 cc of Dr. Christopher's Lobelia.  If you don't have a nebulizer, you can get a great deal on a Nublizer Kit from Utopia Silver one at, which contain:



1) NEC-25 CompAir XLT Desktop Nebulizer

2) 1 bottle of Advanced Colloidal Silver

3) 1 bottle of Advanced Ionic Silver

That is a really good deal for only $75 and it gets even better when you use the CZ discount code of LR001 to get 15% off, making the price only $63.75.  Utopia Silver also sells the Lobelia Extract and you can use the same code to get it for a discount too.

With the flu season approaching, both the H1N1 monstrosity and season flus, plus winter cold and cough season, I think EVERYONE should get one.  It surely did wonders for Luella.   Also, I remind that it will become more important as the days grow shorter and the angle of the sun declines to make sure we are all getting plenty of Vitamin D3.  For those in northern climes and those who do not get daily sunshine in all climes, that means supplementation.

Now, beyond that, and a couple of other good suggestions made by other members, let's wait and see what the results are from your doctor's tests and go from there.

All the best




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