You might be hypothyroid. TMJ can be one of the symptoms, I believe.
is a good place to start to read up on hypothyroidism. Kelp is high in Iodine - good, but is also known to be contaminated with arsenic -- not good. LugolsIodine and iodoral are also high in Iodine but don't have the asenic. You might want to think about switching to one of these. Swanson Vitamins sells 2oz of 2% Lugols iodine for $10. Google for best prices of iodoral.
is a good resource for iodine.
Be advised that as you continue to take iodine, your body will be detoxing the bromide and fluoride that it has accumulated. the site:
has a link on iodine supplementation, bromide detox symptoms (the list is long) and how do deal with the symptoms.
Taking the companion supplements: selenium and l-tyrosine can help the thyroid utilize the iodine more efficiently.