--marie666--Chemical Sensitivity--
Hi marie666,
Your question: Hi I am in really bad shape here..I have chemical sensitviity..it started after I had my 2 nd child..I havent done anything to bring this on that I know of..I am confined to my home in pain every day..my mouth and nose are in pain when I smell chemicals..but lately just being at home does it and I live chemical free..
Can you help?
Answer: All I can do is share what you need to change and it is YOU who has to do the helping yourself!
Your problem is because your Lymphatic Fluids are too Acidic!
Learn to Alkalize!
If you want to find Recovery I suggest you spend some time on this forum reviewing pasts posts and learn to use the search engine.
Maybe you should review these Many Success Testimonials:
For the "Beginning" and the "End" of "ALL" Life in the Universe is
controlled by the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles !!!!!!!!!
"ALL" Sickness and Disease is "CAUSED" by the condition of the "Live Matter"
becomming too "ACIDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is "MATTER", so when it becomes too Acidic, this
"Causes" -----------"ALL" "Disease"----------- and "Matter" begins it's
Break down and "Decay" and "Matter" becomes "Released" back into
Electro-magnetic Energy again !
"Nothing" is Gained or Lost, it "ONLY" changes it's form !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.