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Re: To Johnny Apple Bomb
ino Views: 9,111
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Re: To Johnny Apple Bomb

[isn't recommended because of the skin discoloration]
-More likely it's not recommended due to it's ridiculously high ppm...emphasis on the *ridiculous*, and who knows what else is in it at that ppm level? *This* is the stuff bad dreams are made of.

[not to go sit out in the sun when taking it]
-This speaks volumes doesn't it! What's in this 'stuff'? This sounds like something to be placed in a lead lined box and buried somewhere out of harms way.

[proprietary clustered water]
-And what, pray tell, is that? Is that fancy terminology for our common old Distilled Water? In the EIS trade this is known as 'Techno babble'".

[This allows the silver to attack the pathogen in a unique way, damaging its ability to utilize oxygen]
-Well how about that, problem is, this is what *all* silver does, what's so 'unique' about their product?

[It is very rare]
-Certainly is that, in fact so rare it's unheard of with EIS to my knowledge. Of course compounds, citrates , nitrates , proteins etc is another story.

EIS specifically relates to Silver (solute) Electrically Isolated in water (solvent) with no additives, colouring or anything else added to that water, and is so termed to disassociate it from compounds and other 'stuff'.


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