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DE Question
surley Views: 1,764
Published: 16 y

DE Question

Hi Everyone and especially HV,

I have been using DE for six months now and my skin,nails and hair have benefitted greatly.Only thing is I've got to visit the hair dresser more often now and the nails have to be cut regularly too.

I usually take about one tablespoon at night,on an empty stomach and sometimes another during the day.Recently,I've been doing the container with the settled water during the day as suggested by HV.My main reason for taking DE is to strengthen my arteries and lower cholesterol naturally(I inherited the darn thing instead of $$$$$$$$)and also the vanity aspect of DE appealed to me .....smooth skin,lovely hair etc.What woman isn't a bit vain!!!!!Also,I'm hoping my shoulder tendonitist would be helped.

Now,and this is rather embarrasing,I've noticed my pee smells more stinky since taking DE,not that pee smells good but before, my pee hardly smelled.I know when I started Iodine during the detoxing stage I got BO and it went away after a while.But this is six months now and this smell is still there when i go pee.And poo is more smelly too(sorry guys).

Is there anyone taking DE for this length of time and experiencing similar things?My tendonitist pain seems to be worse too.I'm wondering if by kicking HEAVY METALS OUT,as de is supposed to do, that is the reason why this is occurring?
I would be very grateful for any feedback.Sorry for the lengthy post but just want to give all the facts.

Thanks and Blessings.


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