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Djehuty Views: 2,228
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Healing Acid Reflux: Heartburn

Acid Reflux: Heartburn
by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn and esophageal reflux, is medically defined as "A painful burning sensation in the esophagus just below the sternum. Heartburn is usually caused by the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus but may be caused by gastric hyperacidity or peptic ulcer. Antacids relieve the symptoms but do not cure the heartburn. See also Hiatus Hernia." Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition, p. 548

Under normal conditions, the sphincter muscle of the esophagus prevents acid-containing stomach contents from being regurgitated back into the esophagus but if the muscle becomes lazy or perhaps relaxed, then acid reflux or heartburn will occur.

Acid reflux is one of the easiest things to heal from when you know what causes it. It is caused by consuming excessive amounts of acid-forming products (food and drink) which disturbs the natural acidity levels of the GI tract.

Consuming too much acid-forming things, i.e. meat (dead animal flesh), dairy products, refined grains, refined starches, and other processed and refined food-stuffs including acidic and effervescent beverages (i.e. soda pop, beer, wine, milk, processed orange juice, coffee, hot cocoa, etc.) throws off the acidity levels of the GI tract, especially the stomach and esophagus and the Body Intelligence then causes the acidic content of the esophagus to attempt to come back up via the mouth. The Body Intelligence is trying to rid the body of the excess acid.

Esophagus. The muscular canal, about 24 cm long, extending from the pharynx to the stomach. It begins in the neck at the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage, opposite the sixth cervical vertebrae, and descends to the cardiac sphincter of the stomach in a vertical path with two slight curves. It is the narrowest part of the digestive tube and is most constricted at its commencement and at the point where it passes through the diaphragm. The esophagus is composed of a fibrous coat, a muscular coat, and a submucous coat and is lined with mucous membrane. Also called Gullet. Mosby's supra, p. 442

When this acidic content attempts to shoot back up for purposes of exit via the mouth, a burning sensation is felt (in the lower heart area which is why acid reflux is also called heartburn) and that is simply because acid burns. It literally burns and it is very caustic in fact. It is so caustic it can actually burn through or eat through the tissues of the GI tract causing ulcers, especially peptic ulcers.

If you also experiencing a nasty, bitter, or acerbic taste in your mouth during your bout with acid reflux, you are simply tasting the acidic contents of the esophagus.

Acid reflux is nothing but a condition of hyperacidity due to poor diet (Standard American Diet). People are harming themselves by way of what they consume.

Now the reason why medical authorities state that antacids help the condition (acid reflux, heartburn) is because antacids are calcium-based and calcium is the most alkaline mineral in the body and it naturally counteracts and neutralizes acidity. That's why they are called antacids, meaning 'anti acid.'

However, antacids are toxic and thus harmful to the body. Instead of consuming harmful products such as Tums and Rolaids, all one has to do is change the diet. Just cut back or altogether stop consuming acidic products that you may be used to eating due to successful programming within the Matrix.

Meat is acidic! Dairy products (such as milk) are acidic! Refined grains are acidic! Refined starches are acidic! Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages are acidic! Hot chocolate or cocoa is acidic! Energy drinks are acidic! Smoking cigarettes make the body acidic! Stress makes the body acidic!

Stop consuming acidic products and start consuming more ALKALINE foods like raw fruits and vegetables.

The Metaphysical Causes of Acid Reflux

On a metaphysical level, acid reflux (heartburn) conveys the message that you have a burning desire to express something in your life, perhaps about a person or situation. It may be deep in your heart but because you don't know how to express it or perhaps refuse to express it, it burns you, hence "heartburn."

It may also denote anger in your heart. Anger has red energy and red is the color of fire or inflammation, so when there's anger, there's fire, and when there is fire, something is burning. But because this anger is in you, the fire is in you and thus it is something in you or inside of you that is burning. This is why I say that acidic content can literally burn a hole through your intestinal tissue. This is what peptic ulcer is. Your GI tissues have been burned.

According to fellow metaphysician and healer Lise Bourbeau, acid reflux denotes that you have a burning desire for something or someone that you will not allow yourself because you are finding the situation "difficult to stomach", but, rather than dealing with it, internalize your anger."

Healing is wholistic so we must also heal on the mental, EMOTIONAL, and spiritual levels as well. We must cleanse all negativity from our body. We must learn to express our hurts and pains as well. We must forgive, which is very therapeutic! The heart houses love so our hearts must become filled with love. Healing hurts and pains of the heart can be very challenging for many and many may not know how to emotionally cleanse and heal the heart, and if that is the case, I highly recommend you read "The Love Manual" e-book which shows you how to work on and heal your heart via the 4th or Heart Chakra.

Healing Acid Reflux Naturally

Modify your diet! By all means, cut back on or outright cut out acidic foods and beverages (those listed above). There are many healthy alternatives available today and we list healthy alternatives in our Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual e-book, Dietary Choices section, and our Recipes section. So now, there's no excuse to not do better or improve pertaining to diet.

Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, especially mango and papaya. However, do not eat a lot of citrus fruit due to the acidity they contain (even though it's a healthy acidity). Good acid mixed with bad acid creates confusion in the body.

Drink vegetable juice daily. Vegetable juice is alkaline and will neutralize the acidity level of your GI (gastro-intestinal) tract. You don't need antacids! Vegetable juice will work better than OTC (over-the-counter) antacids which pollute the bloodstream.

NOTE: The GI tract is supposed to be acidic, so you are using alkalinity only to restore the natural pH balance. You want the GI tract to be acidic, just not overly acidic.

Refrain from drinking all acidic beverages! Beverages such as Kool Aid, energy drinks, COFFEE, hot cocoa or chocolate, milk, processed orange juice and other fruit juices, lattes, beer, wine, champagne, gin, vodka, etc.; Gatorade, Vitamin Water, chocolate milk, etc.

Add 1-2 ounces of Aloe Vera juice to your drinking water. Liquid chlorophyll (1 tablespoon or 1 ounce) is also good to add to your drinking water.

Start drinking alkaline water! It's best to simply purchase an Alkaline Water machine. See our Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual e-book for a listing of good companies selling reputable Alkaline Water machines (water ionizers).

Perform the Full Body Detox followed by the 10-Day Electric Greens Cell Food Cleanse.

A beneficial daily herbal regimen to help heal and prevent acid reflux include the following products: Acid Buster, Electric Greens Cell Food (formula), Digest Aid, Colon Formula, and Carminative Tea (drink 1-2 cups daily, especially after meals).

If you will still consume little amounts of meat, by all means start taking Enzymes Formula as bromelain and papain enzymes are the best at breaking down meat in the GI tract.

Thank you for reading! This article is compliments of and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra. Additional articles by Djehuty available @



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