thanks you every one for posting. i made my last post at about 8:00 am. through the day i must have passed at leased 150 stones that were the width of my index finger nale. i slept like a baby last night only waking up once. i couldnt beleive howmany stones i passed i feel so much better. im so greatful that i found this site and that other people have the same intrest as me. i wish you guys all the best of luck. yea by the time my dadwoke up there was nothin left of that stone, ill have to save it water like you said the next time. but my sister got to see it and she was shocked.
i got that funnel idea from when i was a kid we used to funnel down alcohol because we didnt like the taste. yea i grew up from a disfunctioal fam but i have matured more in 2 years than most people do in a life time. thanks, and good luck to every one