Re: failed a 40 day, going for a 30
Hi K. :)
Here we go again..
Ok, have u asked urself a question why nobody replied to u on this post? My GUESS is coz u sound a wee bit unrealistic and not that serious about ur aim. I think u are aiming a bit high, don’t u think so?
1. Many ppl here (as I hope) take the fast day by day. U cant say I will finish my blah blah amount of days fast that day. U cant really say for sure coz u do not know how u will feel and what circumstances u could face.
2. It sounds like u have never fasted b4 and u are quite toxic due to ur life style. The best advice here would be to go for the serious SHORT fasts (even on freshly squeezed juices) and eat very healthily in between (plenty of vegies, fruits, nuts, fish in moderations - vigies should be mainly raw and some of them slightly cooked). If u do it then u will prepare gradually ur body for longer fasts (if it is ur aim). Plus u simply CAN'T go for that length of
Water Fast not prepared and not supervised. IDEALLY u need to do so to be on a safe side.
3. U need to set an ail and be DEVOTED to it. U need to be DETERMINED that u make it (short term fasts as I have mentioned b4). Temptations will be always there and u cant do anything about it. If u feel hungry just go for a walk or occupy urself with something... When I fasted, I did not care what ppl, who found out about it somehow, think about it. It is my business - not theirs. Better not to tell anyone then...Tell ppl who can understand it (say 7-10 day water fast) and spend most of ur time, when u feel ok, with them. Try to avoid those ones who will feed u 'by force' or make a fun of u. Find an excuse to say no. Rest a lot when u feel weak.
4. When ur mum comes to visit u in September and even, say, u are successful with ur long fast, u CAN'T eat any of her cookings or junk (just to please her or avoid unnecessary talks about it). U can just collapse (if it happens soon after ur long fast is over). U need to be very careful during re-feeding process otherwise u CAN damage ur health! And I MEAN it. Coz my very first 10 dayer, on day 8 of my re-feeding, I felt very miserable being extremely pale and weak. I ate pasta and stuff! And was DAY 8! I just don’t want even to think what would have happened to me if I ate all that much earlier or even on day 1!! Food for thoughts, I guess.
5. The advice from my personal experience. PREPARE URSELF BEFORE UR FAST whatever its length! If u do so, by eating vigies, fruits, nuts.. and fresh juices)for some days prier to ur fast, u wont feel hunger (or it will be easily manageable). It was the case in my two 10 dayer. When I went for 7 days some time back, I did not prepare myself at all. My last food b4 fast was a lot of junk and sweets. Result??... I was STARVING (!) for the first 5 days. I was soo close to give up! Yup.. :)
Take care of urself, dear. :)