--Mankind & Creation--
Hi Ya'll,
Mankind is part of the Creation, being that man was Created like everything else!
Man may think We can Create, and in some ways this would seem possible when we think of creating in the Sense of building things out of Matter.
We may even become Deceived into thinking we are Creating when we Garden etc, but in these cases we are just a caretaker of God's Creation!
In a Garden or Nature condition the Plants are doing their job 24 hours each day of taking Energy and building Plant matter out of Electro-magnetic Energy, but mankind has not figured out How do this!
When it comes to building something out of Energy, mankind has not figured out How to accomplish this Task.
Mankind has only figured out how to take matter and build with matter, this is not Orginal Creating in the sense of the True meaning of the word Creation.
We should be cautioned to remember what happened to Lucifer, the Greatest Ark Angel God Created, when Lucifer began to Think himself an Equal, then Better than his own Creator God!
Lucifer was then thrown out of Heaven onto Earth for a Time and Time, to end up becomming Satan the Very Devil, who is Deceiving Mankind with his Lies and Deception!
Most of Mankind is Swallowing this Deception Hook Line and Sinker, thinking We are Someone or Something We are Not!
Let us not Reject our Creator God and Fall like Lucifer and become Rejected by our Creator, thus being Cursed!
Let us Respect our Creator God and find Grace and Blessings he has waiting for those who Respect and obey him and his Creation!
Cause and Effect!
Didn't We ever wonder what brings Blessings vs Cursings upon us?
Respecting God and his rules of learning to Live in Harmony bring Blessings!
Rejecting God brings Cursings upon US!
If and When we are found Worthy to become Spirit beings, then we may become Co-Creators with God, yet always under God with God always above us, but not before we are found Worthy!
Just like a Proper Family unit of Father, Mother and Children who all know their place and Respect each other and get along!
This is something Missing in todays Society, which may be part of Why many folks do not understand God and his purpose for mankind?
For those who Think themself to be somebody important, let them Create matter out of Electro-magnetic Energy and show all of us!
Then we must be aware of the tricks of Satan the Devil who is able to accomplish some of these things!
We then must ask ourself is whatever is done like this, for the good of all, or does it Harm people, for then we may know if it be of God or Satan!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.