New Here, Please help with a few questions about juice fast
I have just done a
Liver Flush last night with moderate success, it was my first one. I also have done 2
colonics the past week or so and salt water flushes.
Anyway I was all prepared to go straight into a 10 day master cleanse today after the
Liver-Flush but I just couldnt face the lemon drink. I had mixed the olive oil mixture with lemon juice last night and i feel like i have too much
citric acid in my system. I had been drinking the lemon drink all week prior and was enjoying it too.
So i decided to be kind to my body and listen to it otherwise i would just be setting myself up to fail. I started looking a juice fast as an alternative and im really excited about it.
We do have a juicer that never gets used so i will pull it out tomorrow. Does anyone want to share a certain protocol or juice routine they use. I have read that some people do fruit juice in the mornings and vegetable in afternoons, so i may try that. Should there be any calorie restrictions?
I wont lie and say im not doing this for weight loss, I'm currently 160cm and 59kg and would like to get back down to 55kg, which is a healthy weight for me. But my main priority is doing it for health issues and reasons.
So im going to head to the farmers market on Sunday morning and hopefully stock up on some produce and start then. I am going to aim until thursday, just see how i go.
Sarah :)