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Wow...a nasty revelation hit me today.
Dameon Views: 2,274
Published: 16 y
Status:       RRR [Message recommended by a moderator!]

Wow...a nasty revelation hit me today.

I know I'm going to get better now. I really can feel it, I KNOW that my health is going to be like it's never been in my life. I'm going to be exactly who I want to be with exactly the kind of health I've always wanted. But I realized some one is going to listen to me. I'm literally going to have to watch family members and friends get murdered by this system. I realized this today when talking to people about how I'm feeling much better, the second I start telling them about how I did it they immediately try and get me to shut up. The second they hear that it's not official, it's like they cover their ears and start humming. I'm really not looking forward to this kind of pain... :S


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