I am a Hebrew Catholic Negro International Banker here to disclose the Great Conspiracy...
There's two camps: one choses death and cursing; one choses life and blessing. As for me and mine, we chose life and blessing.
Never underestimate the height and depth and breadth and width of the smiling degenerates promoting death and cursing; and never doubt the enduring power of love sustaining we who propagate life and blessing.
The Father of Lies and Murder will fool the elite who will subject his followers to the Second Death. Those elect hearing and obeying the Way, Truth and Life will not be fooled though we may be persecuted and killed unto everlasting life.
All you can do is to be found hard at work when the Master returns. Get to work. Accusing the brethren is Satan's job. Get to work. Rapture clock watching is useless. Get to work. Love the Most High with all your being, and love your neighbor as yourself; and do it with more than words. Get to work.
We fight not against men, but against powers and principalities, against those duped by Lucifer appearing as an angel of light, against minions dedicating their deadly agenda to Lucifer, against Luciferic haters of all stripes. Fall in love, and act on it. By their fruits you will know them. Follow the fruitful if you can't be fruitful. Lift something more than a finger to input accusations. Look inside. Then look outside for someone to love, to forgive, to uplift. Repeat daily.