Re: newport, chelating aluminum...
I have no symptoms that I am aware of that point to aluminum poisoning, no mental confusion, headaches, nothing like that.
I am
Iodine deficient. I have only been able to take about 12.5 mg. for a month. I know that does not displace halogens. Are what you saying is halogens might need to be displaced before taking too high a dose of malic acid, or you might have bad detox reactions?
Three tablets of Source Naturals mag. malate contain 433 mg. of magnesium and 2.5 grams of malic acid. That is a lot higher than what you stated. I would like to take three tablets a day, but do you think that is way to high to start off with? Should I maybe try it and see.
I looked at Andy Cutler's protocol on chelating metals on yahoo and it stated tht chelation should be around the clock or you would be recirculating them. He didn't say anything about aluminum though. Do you think this method of chelating aluminum with mag.malate with malic acid should be maybe every 8 hrs. if taking one tablet of Source Naturals mag. malate/malic acid or every 4 hrs. with 1/2 a tablet or does it matter?
So, no supplemental zinc at all if you are not Hg free? I am not.