Time Out
I need to call a time-out and set the record straight on a couple of issues:
1) We have had a number of people contact us with offers to help with Kaylee and the orphanage, which I appreciate and need, so I hope you will hold that thought for a few days - my husband is working on getting a tax number for a non-profit organization, so we can legally accept the donations and give a tax-break to those who help. When we have this together, you will be able to go to my website and help in whatever way is best for you. We plan to offer several different options.
a) cash donations
b) for those who are interested in promoting
education on health - one of the students
at the Masters Seminar put out the challenge
- if you sponsor/sell 5 Dr Mom Health Club
memberships - yours is free - we are honoring
this challenge
c) our long-term plan for supporting the
orphanage is to add to our sons farms -
presently he is growing rice, passion fruit &
rubber trees - for those who would like to
invest in the development of a hectare of
land - when the crop begins to produce - half
of the profits will go to the orphanage and
the other half will go back to the investor
d) for those who would like to give of their
time and talents, we would like to invite
you here for whatever time you can spare - days, weeks, a month - to rock babies, play
with toddlers, teach pre-school, whatever is
2) The second issue is on a personal note. I have received alot of compliments and kind words from people for what we are doing - although I appreciate your kindness - I want the focus to stay on the children and their needs. The truth is that my particular brand of 'insanity' requires alot of sacrifice by a lot of people. For instance, I'm sure if the truth be known, my family would appreciate it if I would just stay home and be a good wife, mother & grandmother. I'm sure my bill collectors would appreciate it if I would stay home and generate an income. The point is - I'm no different from anyone else - we all have to follow our path and/or our conscience, so for my sake and the sake of my conscience - I really need the issue to stay focused on the children - if you will help me do that, I will really appreciate it.