Re: Premature baby
Adding some more details.
Baby was born 10 weeks premature i.e. after 28 weeks of pregnancy. His current weight is now 1.2 kg after 22 days after his birth.
Some of the problems that I see are -
1. He is naturally weak due to premature birth
2. He is unable maintain his body temperature. He would be able to maintain it after gaining some more weight. Currently we are seeing +/- fluctuations with respect to his weight. Is there some medicine which can improve/expedite his weight gain process?
3. He shows some signs of shiver and fright symptoms.
4. There id lot of danger for getting infections. So I would like to explore possibility of making his immune system stronger.
5. He has not completely overcome the Anemia problem typically faced by premature babies. Is there some medication we can give him so that he can overcome this problem?
6. We still need to wait for some time and do the medical checkup against "Retinopaty of Prematurity" - complications with respect to eye.
I would definitely would like confirm, cross check any medicines suggested here, or other homepaths before I give him any medicines at this stage, just make sure they match with the baby.
Infact, I have been taking homeopathy since I was 10 years old from homeopathy doctors. and now I am 30 years old. So we are very well accustomed to the process. I got acumen for finding out symptoms, keep track them and changes any, so that doctor can find the right match of medicine.