Hi Daemon; You are really meeting your demons now; have a look at Glaxony`s posts; she experienced something similar to what you are describing here; (dreams /worms / parasites).
Ps It is possible to take a slower route. (unless you are born in Aries)
As for the detox; it didnt hit me very hard until I started the vit C + upped Iodine to over 50 mg; I had then been on Iodine 25mg & co for over 6 months. What happened to me while detoxing was 2-3 months of a series of infections. I had everything; flus, stomach bugs, fevers, nausea etc. Almost every week there was some infection; I could read about a bug in the paper and the next day I had it myself.
Best of luck whatever route you chose to take; it will pass.