15 y
Status: ~RN [Message
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--Success Testimonial--"no-hive, no-gray-hair
Hi all,
I noticed something in the mirror one day....
week or so later, i again, noticed something in mirror..
thought, no, this can't be so.
my sister came by yesterday and said: what kind of hair color are you using on your hair, it looks so natural!
well, the hair color i'm using is M/L alkalizing drink and kelp. yippee!
my hair had a lot of gray - not anymore! almost all gone! hair all brown again!
btw - i'm 61 yrs old
only been on drink 2 months if that long, and somewhat sporadically some days! somedays 1 drink, somedays 2.
NOW FOR THE GOOD PART: If such good changes are taking place that effect something so dramatically that they can show up on the outside like that - just think of what kind of super good changes are taking place on the inside that i cannot yet see - not yet feel! may wake up one day and feel like superwoman.
People, keep on drinking your drink.
Moreless - thank you for taking care of your flock!
"no-hive, no-gray-hair, wuzzy"