Re: Why Vegetarianism is Right
Vegetarianism is the right way forward. I am not telling you to become one, as for many of us we put our desires first,before asking ourselves what is right and wrong. i am only asking you to make the decision for yourself:
Is breeding animals for their body meat, keeping them shut in a dark barn from the second they are born, never to step outside wrong???
And what about stealing caring mothers babies and sending them off to be gassed, or
chopped. The fate of all darie cows would be to have their throat slit , the same as any beef bred cow.Every hamburger starts with an animal begging for its life.Its like some horror movie, walking down the ile watching your friends being killed, waiting for your turn.
What would we think if that was what happened to humans? aren't animals just as intellegent, or at least have the same feelings and emotions as us? of course they do.
So i trust that a humane person, would chose the right answer- are animals bodies ours to eat?