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Re: Low acid question
Hveragerthi Views: 4,601
Published: 16 y
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Re: Low acid question

Thanks HVE. I do notice undigested food sometimes in BMs so not enough acid would make sence. I don't have acid reflux though.

Liver problems are associated with bloating, why is that?

 One thing that needs to be differentiated is bloating from gas and bloating from fluid retention. You have noticed that if people are too vague about their symptoms I will ask about if the bloating is constant of after eating. A constant feeling of bloating could be fluid accumulation (ascites) from liver damage, or severe constipation. Bloating after eating is going to be from fermentation.

Poor liver function can also cause elevation of estrogen, which suppresses the thyroid. A side effect of hypothyroidism is constipation, which can cause bloating.

Another reason would be decreased bile release. In smaller amounts the release of bile acts as a mild irritant to help promote peristalsis. Again constipation can lead to bloating.



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