Y'all don't KNOW how hard it's been to stay away from the bright light emanating from this here forum.
I have one tiny testimony, and then I want to bless y'all with a musical gift.
The testimony:
Uny has been my dear friend for well over a year. She has poured COUNTLESS hours into my well-being (literally). Anybody who has ever gotten close to this woman knows the power of her love, and her dedication to telling the Truth. Sometimes that Truth hurts to hear, but if we receive that word with any grace at all, we will eventually receive a blessing from it.
I just want to say that all of us who are working with Uny personally (or have been) should accept the seeds of knowledge and truth she casts our way (not blindly, but after careful consideration). We NEVER know how long it takes for those seeds to germinate, how long they lie dormant, nor how fast they grow once the seeds have sprouted. But they do.
You know how Uny always says we are trinity beings (that idea didn't originate with Uny, she just reminds us often)? Well, we are. Sometimes we see growth and healing in our physical bodies, and at other times we grow emotionally, or spiritually. Right now I am experiencing an amazing spiritual "growth spurt," from seeds planted over a year ago.
Just hang in there, people. Health will come. God's ways are always perfect. It is we who go off that path. Jesus said we'll know the Truth, and the Truth will set/make us free. Guess what? It's True. :)
OK... I'm sensing it's time for some positive energy vibes! Time to shake off the dark clouds, and have some FUN!!!
I just LOVE happy music that makes me feel good. There's a newish song in the air right now that gets me singing and dancing every time I hear it. I want y'all to watch this video and sing along if you know the words. lol You KNOW these words. :) If you want to, turn the speakers up and get up out of your computer chair and dance along, too.