Many dentists and doctors recommend antidepressants for TMJ but you should not take them because you will eventually get worse and in my case I believe my TMJ was caused by my antidepressant use.Antidepressnts damage the brain and nervous system but paradoxically they supress the symptoms they cause which is why people get infinitely worse when they stop taking the drugs. In school and work place shootings we always hear that the shooter was off his medication .This only means that the withdrawal is worse than the drug but do not infer that the person would not have been better if he never used the drug. Antidepressants cause damage , often irreparable, to the dopaminergic system which accounts for the chronic muscle tension and resultant TMJ. I never had TMJ before I used antidepressants and while I was on them I felt somewhat tense and stiff but the problem did not really become bad untilI stopped taking the antidepressant.