--Heart Rhythum Irregularity--
Hi Ya'll,
This is a Quote from Doctor Solve : Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) occur
when the electrical impulses in your heart that coordinate your heartbeats don't
function properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly.
End of Quote.
First it seems that some Doctors may Realize that the body operates from
Electro-magnetic Energy charges which they choose to say Electrical in Nature !
Now to the Reasons "WHY" this problem may come about !
For they seem to Lack on the proper answer for this problem !
Altho they do connect Calcium and Sodium and Potassium into the picture !
But what they may Lack in understanding may be "WHY" the problem comes about in
the first place ?
Because we are dealing with something which has to do with the Nervous system,
which is what transports the Electro-magnetic Energy thru-out the body, this
tells me that we have a problem with the body Dealing with it's Proteins !
"WHY" is this so ?
The nervous system must have enough Magnesium so that it may operate properly,
as far as in the sending of the messages !
Of course the body needs a full array of Alkaline Minerals to be Healthy, but in
this case we need to Focus on Magnesium !
When the person has too much excess Proteins and not enough Magnesium, then the
body is not able to carry enough "Oxygen" !
How long do we think we can Live without "Oxygen" ?
The Lungs are what supply "Oxygen" into the blood stream and pump it, while the
heart is the Regulator of the Pressure and directs the blood flow to the
different organs of the body !
When the Blood is Low of the amount of Oxygen, this Causes the Heart Valves to
need to beat(open) faster(and more often) to release more Blood to the body , so
that it does not starve for Oxygen !
What would Cause this shortage of Oxygen to the Blood to be so in the first
place ?
And how does Magnesium and Protein fit into the problem ?
When the body takes in more Protein, this Cauases the body to need more Oxygen,
because more Protein requires more Oxygen in order for the body to be able to
Digest more protein !
Protein may be compared to a Fire !
See how Hot a wood Fire may get when you "Starve" it of Oxygen, it will "DIE"
from Lack of Oxygen, for those who did not read and get it Correctly the first
time, this means that when you "STOP" Oxygen from a wood burning Fire, it Causes
the Fire to "DIE" !
The body is the same way, when it runs out of Oxygen, it will "DIE" !
When the body takes in more Protein, it must also take in more Magnesium,
because the Magnesium helps the body to regulate the amount of proteins, and if
the body is short of Magnesium, this may Cause the body to then "Starve" for
Oxygen !
When the body "STARVES" for Oxygen and the Lungs are not able to Pump enough
Oxygen into the Blood to the Heart, then the Heart must Open and Close it's
Valves Faster than normal, which it uses to regulate the Blood flow to different
organs of the body and this action may Cause the Heart to have a Racing feeling
And since the Heart may have it's Beats controlled by the Electrical signals
sent to it thru the Endrocrine systems Electro-magnetic system, which may
Regulate the body's actions to try to Balance out any shortages of any Alkaline
Minerals , which are needed to properly regulate the Healthy Functions of the
body, which includes the Heart , then when any Alkaline Mineral is in short
supply, we can expect problems !
And in this case the Heart is going to have problems, because of Generally too
much Protein and not enough Magnesium to Regulate this excess Protein !
Because Magnesium is able to Cause the body to be able to Remove excess Proteins
from the body !
Thus when the body Lacks in enough Magnesium, the body may then have problems
with excess proteins Causing the body to run out of Oxygen !
How long can "WE" live without "Oxygen" ?
There is something which many people may do to help Solve this problem !
Learn to "STOP" eating our Meat and any other proteins before bedtime, but
learn to eat them in the middle of our Day !
And "WHY" do we suppose I have suggested for people to take a Pinch of Epsom
Salt(Magnesium Sulfate) with each meal?
Do you supposed it may have something to do with helping the Liver and Kidneys
deal with the Excess Proteins(Nitrogen) in the body ?
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.