PLEASE HELP make sense of these labs
I am 44 yrs old. I have celiac sprue and have had elevated liver enzymes on and off for over 12 years.
I thought it was due to celiac but I've been gluten free and just got my blood test back.
ALT 87 and should be mid 40's. I saw a liver specialist years ago and he didn't really have an answer and since they had gone back down when seeing him, he discharged me and didn't feel I needed follow up.
But, I read all of these horrific things about chronic ALT values.
I haven't had a drink in 20 years and back then it was maybe 5 in my whole life.
I used to take a lot of tylenol for headaches but now take it maybe 20 times a year.
I was tested for A,B,C Hep and all negative. Fatty liver negative. Doctor said I had hepatitis of unknown etiology.
My cholesterol is elevated by about 40 points and my LDL is off a little too.
I don't sleep well at night.
I am only 130 lbs.
I eat little meat but was eating a lot of peanut butter.
I eat NO gluten and haven't for awhile now.
I have stomach issues still, and 2 new lumps in my breast that are hopefully just fibrocystic.
My questions.
Why in the world is my liver inflammed. Can people still live long lives if they turn their diet around and not diagnosed with A,B,C.
I have no clue why this is...can someone please help me figure this out?
Thank you so much. I appreciate any help at all.