- YIKES! - OMG! What if I take TOO MUCH of a tincture/herb?
I love Schulze on 'overdosing' (or "worry-wart" thinking) on herbs - he says something like: When did anybody EVER worry about 'overdosing' on harmful non-food poisons? No body ever says - OMG, I've had 4 servings of plastic Cheetos (or White Sugar , or beer, or transfat, or soda pop, or fluoride, or pizza, or MSG), when it clearly indicates what 'one serving' actually is...what's going to happen to my body if I eat more than one serving? :::insert gasp of fear here::: Oh crap, have I hurt myself? What is going to happen to me now? I feel a panic attack coming on - oh yes, I can feel what it's doing right now, omg, omg, omg, omg - I'm definitely having an adverse reaction to the Dr. Pepper...I need to check the internet for danger-warnings & alerts before I have one more bite of Pepperidge farm.
Most all of us have (and likely, at some point, will again) "binged" on VERY toxic foods/substances that are LADEN with chemical poisons and cause horrific reactions & stress throughout the body.
And never once did we (or will we) check for the 'safe dosage' of ANYTHING we buy at a grocery store. But put the name "herb" on it, and the brainwashing/conditioning that "they" have spent billions of dollars (over an entire century) to embed deeply into our brain, glows like neon paint under a blacklight.
EVERY food or substance we ingest creates a series of reactions in the human body - even water & oxygen. YES, it's INTEGRAL we understand this and not overload/stress our body with substances that create adverse reactions (like we've been doing all our life), but natural plants shouldn't be looked upon as "different" (or more dangerous) than anything else we've ever ingested.
Healthiest of blessings -
P.S. What if you really do happen to take an amount that's really "too much"? Dr. Christopher says: "You'll throw up - GREAT! 'More room for the next dose!!!" lol
Actually, there's very VERY few herbs where "too much" would do anything more than throw you a bit "off kilter" in some way or another for a few hours -- especially not the ones we use or recommend.