Lyndon LaRouche and the ‘Hitler’ Meme
By David Weigel 8/12/09 10:10 AM
A conservative Michigan blogger is accusing Democrats and “union thugs” of “planting” a man holding a sign comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler at a town hall meeting held by Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.). The evidence: One member claimed to see the man (who was African-American) passing out Dingell literature.
The truth is a little murkier than that. The man was a supporter of fringe Democratic activist Lyndon LaRouche, whose LaRouchePAC has been running with the “Obama=Hitler” theme for a few months now. That “I’ve Changed” poster seen at the rally can be downloaded as a PDF from LaRouche’s Website.
check out the "I've changed" Obama Poster PDF file