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Re: Can This Supplement Cure Cancer
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Re: Can This Supplement Cure Cancer

On the first page In USA Today (July 25, 2008) the opening paragraph states: "A study that unexpectedly linked the heart drug Vytorin to excess cancer deaths has provoked controversy among heart specialists worried that the drug's risk may outweigh its benefits." Apparently the purpose of the drug is to help relieve and even prevent a persons concern that heart valve problems may occur by using this drug to reduce cholesterol.

The only problem is that this same article above states: "The 2,000- patients SEAS study found a roughly 70% increase in the risk of dying from cancer." I don't know about you, but even though I may not want to disturb Merck and Shering-Plough's drug companies alleged 4 billion dollar a year sales for this type of drug, (they must be nice companies trying to help people), if I were suffering from high cholesterol and my doctor prescribed this for me, I'd quickly run for the office door and yell: This is Insane, There Must Be a Better Way!

I'd sure try to find a better way, like naturally trying to get my body in better shape, improving my diet (eating good food while avoiding the bad), get regular moderate exercise, improve my lifestyle and manage stress better, take nutritional supplements like Fish Oil and other nutritionals to help my body function better and I would work with a doctor more alternatively inclined to sit down with me and tell me that all life's problems aren't solved by taking chemicals and drugs.

Personally, in addition to improving the above areas of my life and working with a "healthy
advocate doctor" I want to logically find safer nutritional alternatives that would also help support my new healthier body, like using a product called Circulatory Support that has all in one product ingredients like: Nattokinase, Bromelain, L-Carnitine, Organic Pomegranate, Hawthorn Berry, Green Tea, Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin D3, Cayenne and Resveratrol that may help support my bodies cells to aid more natural healthy Blood flow while giving me some Extra Energy enhancement at the same time.

I'd also look for a CoQ10 Supreme type product that has the up to 8 times more bioavailable Ubiquinol form of CoQ10 that my heart cells would find Energizing and that would help enhance and support my circulatory system to perform better. I'd add a great multivitamin like Four A Day and with an added Fish Oil product; I would step back and logically say: Now this is a sane approach.


With kind regards, Slavek



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