Re: Comprehensive Refeeding Plan
I happened to run across this, just the other day, and you might find it interesting...
this person is a nutritionist also, and her site has lots of good information (although I do not wholly agree with her that people need as much protein as she seems to feel)
"Early in my work as a clinical nutritionist I became aware that some of my clients had difficulty selecting and eating foods that were good for them. When these clients were asked to 'listen to their body' they did not understand.
They could not tell if the food they were eating made them feel good or bad. They could not tell if they needed more sleep or exercise. They did not know if or when they were hungry or thirsty or what foods might satisfy their hunger, if they were able to recognize they were hungry.
It is my belief each person has the ability to know what is right for him or herself. My intent is to educate (v.-educare-to draw forth [inner knowing]) the natural wisdom of the client. I make available to the client knowledge that the client already has. It is within ourselves we find the information we need to take care of ourselves.
The more out-of-touch one is with the messages of his or her own body, the greater their dependency on the authority of others and the less able they are to take care of themselves. Such persons do not know what they really want, do not believe they can know what is best for them and do not believe that if they knew they could get what they want and need.
In 1983 I began working with adult and child victims of physical and sexual abuse. All victims exhibited the same lack of awareness and lack of ability to respond to the body's messages that I had seen in some of my clients. They could not ask for, or even know, what they wanted and needed and they were unable to refuse what they did not want.
This unexpected involvement with abuse victims recalled earlier experiences I had had in 1974 working with Peter H.C. Mutke, M.D., Psychosomatic Medicine, and Barry Goodfield, Ph.D. Of many unusual cases I was able to observe, two stand out as indicative of the probable causes of injury and the direction I feel healing must take.
During a session of hypnotic recall, a lawyer in his late 30's was put before a thermography machine (liquid nitrogen imaging). While remembering a beating he received from his father at 9 months of age heat patterns appeared and we were able to see hand prints clearly on his body. What made this even more interesting is that the hand prints were the size of a man's hand on a child's body, expanded with age. I believe memory is more than in the mind. I believe it is concurrently stored in the body. The memory of the beating had been stored within his cells.
Science at work!
*the reason this is pertinent to your queries, is that what is stored as cellular memory probably has a greater impact on the body than any element of diet.
The complete aricle is facinating and valuable.
But, back to your question. No one person is the same as another, and this is why learning to 'listen to the body' is so necessary. You can find umpteeen different systems that insist they are the one, or best...
For basic principles, look to the Hygienists; even better, look to nature; eat what is in season, local, (there are many good reasons for this); begin with high water content and good quality, ripe fruits and vegetables; make your own mineral broths, that use lots of the best vegetables you can find; after cooking, you can throw the vegetables away, or compost, rather. When you want salt, make sure it's good
Sea Salt , or Himalayan. Or kelp, and so one, that comes with a lot of minerals.
Basically, you want well-complexed natural minerals (dark leafy greens, Blackstrap molasses...) and good natural glucose (high quality fruit). Along with that, you need good fats, (not ever canola oil)and basically no processed food--nothing in a package.
But these are just basic principles, and much depends on your body type, blood type, (if you feel that's relevant), condition, current pH, and I would say most important of all-- your state of mind. (by that I include the emotional terrain)
Everyone needs to take responsibility for themselves.
In that sense, to learn to listen to the body, (which is so important: I mean, think about it; if you are not able to do that, you are a house divided), one first needs to forgive oneself, love the body, love what's been unloved, such as memories, beielfs, and so on, and then move forward from that.
I hope this message does not offend you, and that you are able to see beyond any such slight. I found the article truly mind-opening, and have learned after years of looking for/wanting someone to *tell me what to do* or *how to eat*, that no such thing coming from outside has any inherent value. Perhaps others can reccommend specific books; but no one (I don't think) can give you an exact plan for 60 days of re-feeding, and if anyone desires to do so, or feels they actually can, I would question the person's clear-sightedness. You know: "ask me about ego", so to speak.
good luck! one other thing I've found very useful is the refractometer, and the whole area of "brix", and complexed minerals...This explains *the secret* of why some people don't do well at all on what seems to be a perfectly good watermelon, or any other fruit or vegetable, for that matter. It's a missing piece of the whole puzzle, and essentially, I think a lot of nutritionists/naturopaths and so on are not that interested in, if indeed they know anything about "brix", because most people just want to be given something, told what to take, or eat: this serves an entire industry and culture of supplements, and isolated nutrients, which are what are throwing the bodily systems off to begin with...and so the circle goes.
I hope the foregoing is of some use to you, or another.
take care