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Female hair loss and the PILL
phxbbw6ft1 Views: 1,772
Published: 20 y

Female hair loss and the PILL

Hi I'm a 28 yr old female. In 2003 I lost ALOT of my hair, so much that someone asked me if I was on chemo. I've been crushed by this. I went to my DR. She felt bad but did NOTHINg but refer me to a derm. I went there and all she said that is was, was Male pattern baldness. My dad is bald but my mom has very think hair and all the females in my family have full heads of hair. At that time in 2003 , I had told my dr. i few things that I thought could have caused this. I had lost some weight rapisly, was stressed, had just dyed my hair and stopped taking the pill. She had no answers for me. Fast forward, 2005 I've been back on the pill for over 1 1/2 yrs. My hair never really grew back to what it was, but was starting to get somewhat better. It grows VERY slowly. I havent dyed it since aug 2003 and I can still see some of that dye in it. Also I should mention I never did the wig thing, family suggested i should, But I live in AZ, its always hot here and wigs seem like a punishment. I've excepted it. Well, 3 months ago My triclryides were off the charts. and I noticed in my pamplet that came with my BCP that one of the top listed things was may elvate triglyrides. I finished the pack and stopped taking them. With in 2 weeks I had CLUMPS of hair in my shower. I started the BCP back up in hopes to savage the little hair I have left. I havent went to my DR. I've been doing alot of my own research on this. My dr isnt going to research it for me. So now i'm searching for some help. Anyone ever had this problem? Any comments are welcome:) Thanks


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