15 y
would anyone like to buy my Dr. MOM video course? I am ready to pass it on to someone else-I've taken notes and learned all I could and now I could use some extra money. make me an offer
if your interested i could send you pictures and more detailed information about what the kit includes-email me
I purchased it for around $450.00 years ago.
WILL sell at a discount possibly through paypal or ebay or another way to insure its safe transaction- offers welcomed
It includes herbal ID cards, 12 video tapes that cover a wide variety of topics from Womens health, Mens health, Childrens health, Herbal first aid, Pregnancy, gathering and preserving herbs, materials that accompany each video, and A LOT MORE.
You will learn just about everything from these 12 videos that you would learn at the Master Herbalist 6 day seminar at the school of natural healing that costs $5,000.00