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Image Embedded RK19 not Fraud -- New hair growing from 22 year old bald scalp.
JBrown Views: 3,397
Published: 21 y

RK19 not Fraud -- New hair growing from 22 year old bald scalp.

New hair growing from 22 year old bald scalp.


RK19™ Under Attack!

RK19™ is not a fraud it really works.

If you look close you now can't find a hair forum on-line where there is not some non-corporate-shill well known poster getting kick ass results from RK19™, yet their posts are removed or bashed?

H'mm. I thought hair forums were about sharing what works! Naive I know, but I continue to learn.

I've now read posts that say taking RK19™ will kill you, etc. total B.S. Do you really think RK19™ would still be around if people were dying from it? And, could you please list one person who has died from it?

And, I've read post saying that RK19™ is a fraud. For that to be true my customer pictures and e-mails would have to be fake. Then I would be commiting a felony. Yet, I am still here after being on-line over a year. Why because all my customer e-mails and photographs are real.

Odds are if you read a negative post about RK19™ on any hair forum or anywhere for that matter, it's from a corporate shill from the Hair transplant industry, or one of the other hair forum advertisers.

Hair forum admins and their shills from companies that support the hair forums are financially invested in keeping RK19™ down. A high percentage of well known posters are shills who work for HT clinics, Merck, and others in the hair loss industry. None of them want RK19™ around. Compare Merck's before and after pictures with RK19™'s. Why are RK19™'s so big and theirs so small?

Most assumed RK19™ would fail like the other B.S. products that show up every year on-line. Problem is RK19™ works. There are non-corporate-shill well known posters from every hair forum getting results with RK19™. The corporate-shill-posters bash them and the hair forum admins delete their posts. These admins and shills see the writing on the wall.

Given time, RK19™ really spells the end for several of these hair forums. Together with their corporate shills, they continue to try and stop RK19™. Problem is RK19™ works.

Who's interest do these forum owners, admins, and corporate-shills really have at heart?

Not yours. Over the years the hair forums and their supporting corporations with their on-site corporate shills have put a lot of time and effort in to establishing these hair forums as seemingly autonomous and unaligned with any product or service. This was done in fact, to allow them to effectively push their products and services in what appears to be unbiased manner. When it come to hair loss, this is one of the web's greatest and dirtiest little secrets. Every person who switches to RK19™ is money out of their pocket. They have no intention of letting that happen without a fight.

Don't kid yourself, in the end it's all about money. RK19™ spells failure for several of the current hair loss forums, the Hair Transplant industry, and the big three.

Next time you read some more lies about RK19™, look close as to who posted them.

Don't believe this? Here is a test. Go to any major hair forum and post something positive about RK19™. See how long it last , and you last in the forum for that matter.

The "Hair Loss" industry is a billion dollar industry and RK19™ is currently in it's sights. If you are a real RK19™ user with results help me fight back. Post your results wherever you can.

I never dreamed that I would be taking on a billion dollar enterprise. I thought people would be glad that I found a solution. Instead, I am seen as a major threat to the establishment, whom they are now gunning for with all barrels loaded!
It's something I would have expected to see on 60 minutes, not be part of.



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