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Re: Don’t forget about the other law……

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Esoterica2009 Views: 1,754
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Re: Don’t forget about the other law……

Very good thoughts here! I very much agree with you and have never really thought about it this way. Also, I have my own thoughts on the law of attraction. If one reads the works from New Thought forerunners back in the early 1900s, the idea of the Law of Attraction and manifesting abundance wasn't in attracting a Mercedes, house on the beach, etc. It was about attracting an abundance of love.

Most of the Master Teachers and guru's of our time and days of old- Jesus the Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Paramahansa Yogananda- none of these pursued material wealth and in fact fore-went such pursuits as they felt it was not a "higher" pursuit. Master Jesus said to store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Where is heaven located? It is within you. Storing up treasures within you would be love, love for others, knowledge, etc. Not material pursuits.

I'm not judging people who are wealthy in money or possessions. It doesn't make them "bad."It does however give them a responsibility to use that blessing wisely, compassionately, and with care and not to get so tied up in it that they lose sight of the more important things.

I just can't picture the great Masters spending even 5 minutes manifesting luxury items.. maybe food to eat and drink...maybe what needed to survive... but I see them spending time manifesting more love for themselves and others, more compassion, more understanding, more knowledge.

Great people of our time are not necessarily the wealthiest- Mother Theresa, the Dalia Lama, etc......

I feel that greed has permeated our society to a point where people are hoarding- hoarding money. A small percent of population has most of the money. The TRUE idea of "enough for everyone" is built in the fact that we take what we need but not more than we need, and we walk away knowing there will always be "enough" to fill our needs. When people hoard, they create a block in the dam for the flow of abundance and some people suffer because of it.

No one can tell me the children starving in Mexico, Africa, and Cuba just don't know how to "manifest abundance" correctly. That is hogwash.

I agree with your post as it takes a person outside themselves and their own needs and the law of Karma, and as outlined in the Christian holy book, the Bible, called Reading what you Sow are universal law.

I personally need $5,000. Not for a luxury item. I've been working on manifesting it. However, whereas I pray for others, I've not prayed for financial assistance for them. Yes, it is important to do this. Thank you for your post. A light bulb went off.




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