hair regrowth post i promised
I had lost most all my bodyhair 12 years ago.
Except my hair on head but it was definitely completely bald in the area directly above my ears and behind.. which fortuneatley i have waist lenght hair so it covered it up.
Anyhow at age 45 and with all the stresses i have been thru it continued to get thinner/ so i tried the minoxodil about 2 years ago.
it grew in hair/ but not in those palces above my ears.. andleft my hair stiff and the hair that grew in was stiff not really natural
and worse of all it grew hair along my chin / jawline underneath and on my neck on sides.
very not ladylike!!
I discontiued it and the hair fell out.
Recnetly after the detoxes i have done.. my hair has gotten thinner.. and so i naturally was tryign to find soemthign to help me at least keep what i had.
So i read thru the old posts and archives on the hairloss forums and found a few things i felt worth trying cause it did not involve much cost.
1 st was the msm and vit c/ that soem said had helpe dthem retain what they had and the ratio was 1part msm to 1/2 part vit c.
since i am veyr prudent i do not do the suggested high level doseages i have off and on (not evy er day) taken one 1000 mg msm gelcap with one tablet 500 mg vitamin c.
2 nd was someone suggested rosemary so i bought soem essential oil of rosemary (it is highly concentrated MUST be diluted) and put about 10 drops of it inmy bottel of shamppoo
plus about 3 drops oil of oregano and also about 1/4 tsp of jojoba oil)
3 rd i also started taking evening primrose gelcap/ only one once a daywith my dinner and red clover blossoms at same time.
4 th I ordered inositol/choline tablets and began taking one tab once a day.
it has been a full month now.. and i have 1/2
inch of dark hair very soft and slighly curly (natural feeling) growing all over .. esp in that area where it was compltely hairless above my ears it is a right fauna there now!!
and better yet.. no hair in places where i as a woman woudl not noramlly grow hair../ no neck hair no side of face/jawline the minoxodil does.
i am so glad i took before pictures and pulled my hair up when i first found this forum.. soem day iw ill post a pic of me (after ig et to target wt !! )vanity vanity *smile*
which o fhtese thign s is bringin gabout the chage i don't know.. or if they are workign hand in hand with the others/and my detoxing etc also..
if they will work fo ryou /i don't know ..but soem thign is working 8)
i have also been massaging my head every day. to help increase bl;ood circulation there..
i got the inositol/choline at when youget there goto source naturals
brand and then to the I alphabet index at top o fpage the 5 th or 6th product down willb e the inositol/choline 100 tablets at 800 mgs (which really means 400 og each)click on that .
the cost is $7.49 for the bottle tha tis a good 3 motn supply consdierign you jstu take one per day.
i got my msm from doctors best at 180 caps/1000 mg per for 13.25 $
i got my reb clover blossoms for the same web for $ 4.30 100 caps 430 mgs natures way brand
i got my oil of rosemary 1oz bottle for 8.00$ at andalso got my evening primrose there NOW brand 500 mg/250 soft gelcaps $15.50
bought the vitamin c 500 mgs from a local store
and the jojoba oil i got eitehr froma local stor e or the iherb connection.
ps/also i add vit e oil to my shampoo
and added jojoba/and vit e to my conditioner..
my next step is to start rinsing my hair in a herbal tea rinse from rosemary natural herb.
anyhow there it is.. i am completely thrilled!! and will be most interested to watch and see how long it will grow.
can't wait to start bridign my hair again in long thin braid in close near my ears to keepit off my aface /whiel leavign teh rest of it logn and free/and feminine with out bthe bald patches showing now 8) i had givien upall hope that i woudlever have hair abov emy earsa gian has been 12 years what a delightful christmas new years gift i feel ihave bene given.. also with the facial exercises for i have bene doign those for 3months now and even thoughtihave lost wt/ my faceis startign to look at least 5 year syounger than i am and getting better all the fact i have a better upper lip now than i had at 20 !!
watch out world!!
here she comes here she comes..!
Ami B.