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wonderful post
Wrenn Views: 3,370
Published: 21 y
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wonderful post

reminded me that my sister once said Breast Cancer runs in our family and also colon cancer... and tha tis why she was havign colon problems... and diabetes too runs in the family *laugh*
i had to poin t out to her that # 1 one person had died form colon cancer/ was a woman born in about 1916 probably adn lived her life eatign no fiber...high mea tnad potatoes diets.
the woman that had Breast Cancer was also a smoker (still is) and at one poitn in her life lived on like 25 aspirins and about 12 or more sodas a day !! and was an extrmemly nasty ill attituded woman not nice at all.
the other woman who had diabetes was a heavey unfilteeed cahin smoker extrmemly overwegiht and ate a veyr ppoor diet/again was also veyr un happy person... and was told many times to quit smoking / lose wt and eat right. she chose her own path and never did anyof that.
my own mother died of a rare disease that is not genetic/ but cousl have avoided the early and awful death she wen tthru years of deterioratiosn if she had herslef stopped doing thign sthat agraavated her condition...
in my mind noen of these *one-time* death issues constitute the right to say they *run in the family *
btw it as my sisters doctor that tosl her these thign s run in our family and that is why she said it to me...
I complete ly believe there are soem genectic potentials tha tmay make a person more vulnerable *IF* they engage in poor health habits..
but one time incidences i willnot accept aas beign ttermed *running in a family *
that is liek saying if soem oen gets hit by a car nd dies that we will all die form car crashes lol!! no i think we jstu need to amek sure we pay attention to the drivers around and heed the sighns and warnigns and take precautions .. we each choose daily the quaility of our own lives... youare what you eat and drinka dn smoek and breathe what is the saying ?
*EXIT.... as youhave become. *
youmake to a large degree your own quality and quantity of life.. and to a large degree even accidental deaths are mor ecommon to folks in lessened health.
well anyhow my input /lenghty as usual *smile*
Ami B.

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