How did what I suggested work out for the rash?
I'll be answering 'more better' before I hit the sack tonight, but I'm going to need more information.
Here's what I know - that you indicate you have adrenal distress and I suggested Ashwagandha (1-3 tablespoons daily)...and for absolutely everyone, a complete & thorough colon cleanse. This (of course) is not to directly treat adrenal issues, but rather, put the body back into a 'baseline foundational state' where it is more able to heal itself.
3rd grade science: No organism, no matter how big or small, can sustain life if it can't 1) assimilate vital nutrition 2) expel waste.
>>>I mention this only because riding out the colon cleansing on IF's nos. 1 and 2 is proving bumpy. Ashwagandha worked a little bit but has since ceased.<<<
Tell my why IF#1 & IF#2 = "bumpy".
I need more info, Sumner - I'm stabbing in the dark (and that CAN cause harm!)
What pharmaceuticals and OTC's currently:
Past OTCs & pharmaceuticals:
Daily diet:
How much water daily:
Coffee? other drugs?:
How many daily/weekly bms without IF#1?
FULL symptom list currently and how you feel the symptoms developed (over months/years, whatever...you know...the rest of the story :)