I lost my 2nd job last week of 4 years (because of this bad breath) because there were at least a good 20 people on my job who made it there daily mission to walk over to my work area on a daily basis and harass me. (I worked on the oposite end of the floor from most of them which is pretty far.) The company helped by having a chemical fragrance installed in the ventilation system right above my cubicle and blown directly in the cubicle where it literally saturated the entire space. People would walk by so they could snicker and laugh about it in my face. I finally couldn't take it any more and ended up quitting with no new job, no unemployment insurance. (I applied but don't know if I'll be approved.) Not to mention the chemical was making me sick. I'm literally living off of savings which will only take me so far. But I can only hope and pray that the people who treated me this way might know a small fraction of the pain they caused me, whether its called karma, or just what goes around, it doesn't matter. It's harassment and it was unnecessary. I sat in an area, where there was only one other person whom I never interacted with.