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The Light at the end of the Tunnel.......
Well, the day is finally here. I have been able to achieve our goal of returning to Texas by around August 1st and I am leaving tomorrow evening. I can't say I'm 100% well yet, but much improved. I am strong enough to make the trip, and at this point the best thing for me to do is finish recuperating back home. I think that once I am back breathing clean air and away from the environmental allergens I will be back to normal in no time.
My trip will take two days. I am making the first part of the journey at night because of the soaring temperatures in the California and Arizona Desert. Once in New Mexico, they should normalize. I will stop at Las Cruces sometime on Wednesday and spend the night there. Then I will continue my journey on Thursday morning. I should arrive in Utopia Thursday afternoon or evening where I will pick Tony up. We will head for home on Friday morning and should arrive on Friday evening. Oh! Home Sweet Home!
Even though I have the majority of my packing completed, there are still odds and ends...... last minute laundry, etc. and, last but not least, one last time to visit with my familiy. So from now until my return home my time online will be extremely limited.
I would like to extend my heartfelt "thank you" and gratitude to the members of Curezone. This summer is one I will always remember. This is the summer that my heart was touched by your love and support, in so very many ways. You have made me see the true meaning of the word "friend." Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, energy, light and support. I have no doubt that your love has facilitated my healing.
So now........ I go to take care of the "finishing touches." I will be on sporadically, my last time probably being tomorrow morning, and betweeen 6:00 and 8:00 pm tomorrow evening, Pacific Time, Misty Heidi, and myself will be heading back to Texas.
May God bless you............
With Love and Hugs always.........