Re: bo/bb can be from liver too!
You're right.
I genuinely think my BO/BB is liver related.
HEre is my story - high school, a place where you'd definitely know you smell. No comments whatsoever. I showered once per week! I definitely didn't smell then.
Started working bar jobs in my late teens, early twenties, again another place where you'd know if you reeked - from staff and customers. No comments then.
Anyway I started drinking heavily around this time. I used go out fall asleep in a friend's house and once in a while they'd come into the room and say "Bad smell in here" Of course I couldn't get it, even leaving the room and going back in, and I assume it was a smell of stale beer.
Anyway throughout my twenties my drinking got worse and it was a given 100% people would complain about the smell in the room I slept in.
Dates starting drying up, friends stopped calling.
These days I reek bad but if I have a few beers, man, it's off the scales.
I genuinely think I damaged my liver and it's not able to properly remove the toxins from my system. When I have alcohol the smell intensifies and I can clear rooms.
I'm taking milk thistle right now and hope that helps.
I quit the drink for 3 months but went back on it recently, after a day out and a pile of bad comments directed at me.
It was most annoying because I wasn't drinking at all and when I got the comments I said "f*** it, might as well have a drink, doesn't make any difference anymore anyway"
I'm off the drink again and hopefully My situation will improve.