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An Anti-Vaccine Protocol
Tony Isaacs Views: 2,413
Published: 16 y
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An Anti-Vaccine Protocol

I am not so sure just how far the "mandatory" bit will go - though I rather expect that school kids will be a given and perhaps the elderly in nursing homes.  Other than that, the logistics are such that it would be virtually impossible to force everyone to take the vaccinations, though I am sure there will be lots of scare stories and attempts at coercion.  I suppose they might issue some kind of decree that required proof of vaccinations in order for people to continue going to work, though that would be clearly unconstitutional (of course, adhering to the constitution has not been a government practice for a long time).

Dr. Ken, Ben Taylor and myself have been mulling over the vaccinations and what would be the best way to protect against and offset their effects.  Here is what we suggest:

An Anti-Vaccine Protocol

Take a lot of colloidal silver - half or a whole bottle (8 ounces) prior to the shots and immediately after the shots, and then continue to take at least 4 ounces a day for days afterwards.  The colloidal silver will stop the swine flu in its tracks in the first place and will also stop any virus type pathogens in the vaccine.

Do liver, kidney, colon and metal cleanses/detoxes immediately after the shots.  Cilantro and chlorella are good metal detoxers and you can get a supercharged version formulated by Jon Barron called Metal Magic.

Take several digestive enzymes several times a day following the shots and continuing for at least a few days.  The digestive enzymes will destroy the coating of any viruses that may be in the vaccines and enable the silver to kill them off that much better.

Boost your immune system with Sutherlandia OPC and/or RM-10 mushroom defense.

For extra measures, take some of the following other immune boosters, immune modulators, anti-virals and other important health supplements:

Immune boosters:

• Echinacea (Forget the flawed mainstream studies!)
• Pau d’arco
• Suma
• Astragalus
• Medicinal mushrooms
• Beta glucans
• Aloe vera
• Alkygycerol
• Lactoferrin
• Bovine colostrums
• Glutathione
• Mangosteen


• Garlic
• Olive leaf extract
• Oil of wild mountain oregano
• Grapefruit seed extract

And be sure to take iodine, vitamin D3, magnesium and curcumin for their health and immune modulating properties.  Blackseed oil (Nigella sativa) is also an excellent immune modulator and overall health booster.

My advice is to get the items you want NOW and not wait until the last moment.

All the best,




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