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To Ep: Re: Thymuskin
jadegirl8 Views: 5,116
Published: 22 y
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To Ep: Re: Thymuskin

I have no problem answering your questions re: my experience with Thymuskin. I'm a medical journalist (25 years) by profession, and don't take offense to questions calling for clarification on any comment I make--especially if there is a perception of inconsistency in any of my statements.

Here's my story:

I began using the Thymuskin products in early 1999 after learning about them via Dr. Morton Walker's book, "Bald No More" from Kensington Books ( Walker's book piqued my interest because it chronicled successful studies on chemotherapy and alopecia patients, women and, as well, men suffering from male pattern baldness, and wasn't just alot of hooey testimonials. There are a wide array of products, but my experience has been solely with the shampoo (both regular and MED versions)and the treatment(in regular gel and MED formulations, and regular liquid). The premise is that Thymuskin regrows hair by addressing the loss as an immune system issue.

The shampoo and the treatment products are used in concert: shampoo, liquid in the morning, gel in the evenings. As I noted in my previous post, my results were nothing short of unbelievable, since I have suffered from hair loss for MANY years.

Getting help for all of these years was complicated by the nature of my job (TV news anchor) which meant fear of seeking help from doctors etc., because of confidentiality issues. I refused to see news of my problem in the local society/gossip columns. I wore wigs, hairpieces on-camera, and no one, neither the public nor any of my colleagues were aware that I suffered from a hair loss problem and I wasn't about to share that. So I suffered in silence.

At about the same time that I learned about the Thymuskin products, I also made the decision to go freelance--print---I had become weary of the pressure of working in the broadcast news industry (even though I enjoy the work)and wanted to do the types of stories I wanted to write--I also wanted to begin work on a book I'd been planning for over two years. I also figured without the pressures the industry places on appearance, I could stop wearing the wigs, since I would be working from home. Having to wear the wigs and hairpieces DAILY--even when I wasn't working--further complicated any real recovery, since my scalp wasn't getting exposure to fresh air or sunshine. The arrangement worked for awhile, that is, until I made my career transition.

Which is where the problem with using the products for me, began. Working fulltime I was able to afford them. When my freelance status truly kicked in, my income became less consistent, and the products are expensive. No question. I was spending over $200 for a "kit" consisting of the shampoo and treatment products mentioned, which only lasts about 3 months---less if you aren't careful and "frugal" in your usage.

So, after 8-9 months my usage became inconsistent--the literature recommends consistent use over a MINIMUM of 9 months--and then many achieve enough significant growth and are able to stop using the product. Unlike products like Rogaine that require continous use forever--and side effects like hair growing in places where the product may drip on to--that isn't necessary nor the case with this product. In addition, the growth is TRUE new hair--not fungus as is the case with some products--and the new hair isn't lost once usage ceases.

Since I am African American, our hair tends to grow more slowly than other ethnic groups, and is more fragile. I obtained terrific growth in the months I was able to use the product, but my hair was still a long way from being "normal" in appearance and it's full potential growth, because I had to stop using it.

You should know that my problem is quite severe, and had been further complicated by the necessity of chemotherapy some years ago, which destroyed the small amount of hair I had to begin with(prior to using the Thymuskin).

When I posted to this column, I was looking for a less expensive alternative, until I can again afford to begin using the Thymuskin products (consistently)again. I still purchase them when I can afford to--I am simply unable to stick with the program on a regular basis--but I'm optimistic that my situation will improve.

I have returned to graduate school, and there is a strong possibility that I will be able to qualify for a larger stipend this year, which would make it possible. But sought out advice on this forum simply because I wanted to be doing SOMETHING in the meantime.
I hope that answers your questions.

FYI: when I began using the products, I initially began buying them from Biotechne Nutritionals -
I later found the pricing @ Thymusking a little more reasonable, although they have realized a price increase of late--
It's good to read Dr. Walker's book as well, for detailed information about the products and the study.

If I can answer any further questions for you, please don't hesitate to post.


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