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Re: Anti-fungals - YES or NOT?

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ruff magruff Views: 1,770
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Re: Anti-fungals - YES or NOT?

i am in a very similar situation. i have been taking antifungals for 3 months, and anti-bacterial/ antiviral for 2 months before that. under naturopathic supervision. and the idea is that i would take them until i have killed off enough yeast, then immediately follow a course with anti-fungals: caprylic acid and undecenoic acid rotating, while taking probiotics+prebiotics (FOS, inulin, etc), and then if that killed enough candida, getting off the antifungals all together and continuing with the probiotics.
so the idea is to weaken the candida enough to a point where probiotics stand a chance: where they can chemically compete in the right ph, gain enough food, attach to the intestinal lining.

no one should plan to take heavy antifungals their whole life. i dont think that is what you are proposing anyways.

just 3 weeks ago with my ND, i was feeling really bad and tired so we decided to take a break from my antifungals to see if my symptoms were from die off or not. well they were and i feel much better. but i cheated a bit on the diet now, and i have regressed a little, i feel better in my head and body (because of months of treatment), but i can feel and see that candida has re-colonized my intestines. without the protective function of antifungals it is so easy to slip up and lose ground. so i dont think you should stop for a while (maybe only for a week or two to give your liver a rest,if you think you can follow the diet STRICTLY) until you have decided you are ready to take probiotics, or else your flora will be compromised and it will be all the more easy for candida to come back...

what makes people feel bad when taking antifungals is that they are also eating starches and sugars, and they are feeding-growing more-and killing off their candida-which makes their intestines inflame from toxins. so if you can really follow the caveman diet well, you will feel better even when on the meds, and be ready to get off of them quicker. this takes strength and resolve but sometimes, only a week of no starch is enough to give you the jumpstart you need on the candida and you can slowly introduce good carbs back in. (for instance, before i worked with my ND i was feeling so bad, and i knew it was related to what i was eating, so i didnt eat carbs for a whole week, and i was trying to be vegetarian, so i ate almost all of my calories from oils and fats- coconut milk-eggs-seeds-and i dont remember what else, and it was horrible and hard, for 7 days i felt bad from dieoff, but i had complete i got yellowing of the skin from jaundice-excess biluribin -from liver overload, and finally when i started eating carbs again-mostly in beans, i felt 80% better, and my jaundice went away. i had killed a whole bunch of candida by being super strict for a short period of time. while i dont reccommend eating all of you calories from oils, but i didnt know and i was silly, now i know its easy to do with meats, eggs, and seeds (sunflower piumpkin).

after 3 weeks of rest, now i have to go back on antifungals to clear up my intestines which are completely coated with candida, causing inflammation and bloating- but i am thinking of combining with probiotics, prebiotics and fermented foods -homeostatic soil organisms (HSO, SBO's) keifer, and saurkreaut if ican tolerate them, i will post how its going.

hope all this helps and gives you an idea about what to do next.

peace be with you
may much love abound!



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