Zinc! Is good for foot odor, i know it woks for me (do your on line research) taking zinc and magnesiun (oxide or chloride) (but I would add copper to balance the zinc) because too much zinc is not good. Have YOU started Probotics and antifungals? it's possible you may need to start off with lots of probotics because you say you sweat a lot with the feet. I know my feet were really bad and since taking zinc and magnesium they don not smell any more even when taking off sweaty socks. But zinc is suppose to help with sweat too (check it out online, I could be wrong but it's something like that) Just 1 pill a day, you don't need a lot of zinc. And try eating foods with zinc as well. But it's possible you may have a problem with Candidia like most of us in this forum does, and also CHANGE YOUR DIET, it may be hard at first and try digestive enzymes too for your digestion and drink lots of water, try this and see what helps, things will get better.